“Alcoholic Nose:” Is Alcohol Really the Cause?
Rhinophyma has historically been referred to as alcoholic nose due to the incorrect belief that alcohol consumption may lead to the condition. That said, alcohol and caffeine can both temporarily dilate blood vessels, which seems to worsen rhinophyma. While...
Ex-Man Utd star admits seizure saved his life amid sleeping pills and alcohol addictions
If you have an injury or medical condition that causes pain or spasms in your muscles, you might be given medications to relax them. Muscle relaxants are commonly used to treat back and neck pain, as well as certain...
How Alcohol Impacts the Brain Northwestern Medicine
The substances may initially minimize or moderate the mood symptoms, but withdrawal and chronic abuse typically exacerbate mood degradation, leading to increasing abuse and ultimately dependence. When the concentrations of different neurotransmitters were determined in various brain regions of...
Alcohol and Pregnancy
Finally, drinking was reported over a 30-day period which might not reflect drinking patterns earlier in pregnancy when consumption tends to be higher (10). These last three limitations might contribute to underestimates of drinking during pregnancy. And if you’re...