The overwhelming case for ending stigma and discrimination in mental health
Even though the participants in this study were many—over 4,000 adults—it would take even larger groups to understand how socioeconomic, ethnic, or racial characteristics affected changing attitudes toward mental illness. Still, from this study and a number of others,...
Understanding How to Foam from the Mouth: Causes, Safety, and Crafting Uses
Understanding why foam appears in the mouth is crucial for addressing potential health issues. While dehydration and dental problems are common causes, more serious conditions like seizures or infections could be at play. It’s essential to stay hydrated, maintain...
Foaming at the Mouth: Causes, Symptoms, and Emergency Response
Drug overdoses can cause altered mental state, difficulty breathing, and blue lips or fingertips. The combination of increased saliva production and irregular breathing can result in the characteristic foamy appearance around foam from mouth the mouth. If an animal...
Tapering Off Alcohol: Weaning Off Alcohol to Avoid Withdrawal Symptoms
Working with a medical professional to taper your alcohol consumption can help the likelihood and severity of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Instead of quitting alcohol cold turkey, you can steadily reduce your consumption so that your body has time to...
The Mansion Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site U S. National Park Service
Warren developed a scheme that would transform the halls on the first and second floors of the mansion and alter the living room. This was the only major change the Vanderbilts made to the house. The architectural lines of...
A Guide to Enjoying Sober Holidays
That’s why we host community-focused events tailored to support individuals in recovery. Sober holidays create the ideal environment for cultivating lasting memories. Engaging in new adventures and participating in activities that foster connection with loved ones allows for deeper...
Keith Papini Says Ex-Wife Sherri Used Rubbing Alcohol to Make Their Children Sick
On the other hand, if fixed denial is a product of cognitive dysfunction, one might expect it to be related to more general cognitive dysfunction. Compared with alcoholics displaying little or no denial, those with fixed denial would be...
Definition & Facts of NAFLD & NASH
Conversely, the beneficial effects of polyphenols on metabolic syndrome have been demonstrated in numerous studies . Fatty liver disease can increase your risk of liver cancer or other types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Many people with fatty liver...
Ranking the 15 greatest coke-rap albums of all time
The culture at large was birthed in Black communities that saw the United States government float them rocks as big as marbles. Those rocks were sold and the people who sold them were subsequently arrested and imprisoned. This was heroin addiction...
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Book Alcoholics Anonymous
It prepares you to accept whatever comes next because it’s now in the hands of your higher power. Whatever past you must reflect on, whatever future amends you must make, you have given them over to fate, God, or...